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Sprinkles Global Health Initiative
Photo Gallery

General Sprinkles Pictures

United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan trying Sprinkles
Zlotkin with a little girl in China
Making Sprinkles in the early days
Sprinkles in Mongolia, the first distribution program
Dr. Zlotkin with the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper and SickKids President Mary Jo Haddad


Mixing Sprinkles into food
Giving out Sprinkles


Feeding food mixed with Sprinkles
Inuit mom with her baby


Boy learning how to use Sprinkles
Boy mixing Sprinkles into food at school
Children at school mixing Sprinkles into food at lunch
Girl having her height measured


Field workers teaching mothers how to give Sprinkles
Mother feeding food with Sprinkles to her baby
Mothers with babies taking part in Sprinkles study


Children taking part in Sprinkles study
Mother showing Sprinkles to her son


Child getting ready to mix
Sprinkles in food
Baby in Sprinkles program
Children getting ready for school
Child holding Sprinkles

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� Sprinkles Global Health Initiative