Technical Reports
Christofides A. Evaluation of a canteen program as a method for distributing Sprinkles in Haiti. SGHI/ACF. May, 2005.
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Research Articles
Loechl, C. U., Menon, P., Arimond, M., Ruel, M. T., Pelto, G., Habicht, J.-P. and Michaud, L. Using programme theory to assess the feasibility of delivering micronutrient Sprinkles through a food-assisted maternal and child health and nutrition programme in rural Haiti. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2009; 5:33�48.
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Menon P, Ruel M, Loechl C, Arimond M, Habicht J, Pelto G, and Michaud L. Micronutrient Sprinkles reduce anemia among 9- to 24-mo-old children when delivered through an integrated health and nutrition program in rural Haiti. Journal of Nutrition 2007 Apr;137:1023-1030.
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Ruel MT, Menon P, Loechl C, Pelto G. Donated fortified cereal
blends improve the nutrient density of traditional complementary foods in Haiti,
but iron and zinc gaps remain for infants. Food Nutr Bull. 2004 Dec;25(4):361-76.
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Menon P, Ruel M, Loechl C, Arimond M, Habicht JP, Pelto G. Micronutrient Sprinkles are effective at reducing anemia among children 6-24 months in rural Haiti.
Experimental Biology. San Francisco, California, 2006.
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Loechl C, Arimond M, Menon P, Ruel M, Pelto G, Habicht JP. Feasibility of distributing micronutrient Sprinkles along with take-home food air rations in rural Haiti.
Experimental Biology. San Francisco, California, 2006.
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